Davis Kessler, head of cyber at Travelers Europe, introduces the Cyber security section. (Updated 18 December 2023)
Law firms are a regular target for cyber attacks, because they hold sensitive client information and handle large volumes of money.
So how can Law Firm Ambition help you?
If you only have time to read one quick thing, choose Jonathan Ashley's 21-point Cyber security checklist for law firms. Jonathan is the co-founder of etiCloud, a managed service provider that advises large numbers of law firms on cyber protection.
Otherwise, start with Chris Hannett's Anatomy of a law firm cyber attack, which gives us an illustration of what happens when a law firm is successfully attacked, told in the voice of an imaginary law firm’s managing partner. Chris is a director of the cyber risk management company Cymplify.
Then check out James Doswell's 10 steps to cyber security for law firms. If your firm does nothing else, at least follow these easy-to-do steps. James is a cyber risk consultant at Travelers.
Next, read Peter Wright's checklist Cyber attack – lessons for law firms from a veteran, which is a succinct playbook on how to prevent a cyber attack and what to do if your firm is the victim of a successful attack. Peter is managing director of Digital Law and author of the Law Society Cyber Security Toolkit.
Peter has also written a full set of 30 FAQs, covering the most important — and the most common — questions that he is asked when running seminars on cyber security for law firms.
Finally, there is an easy-to-read item that may be suitable for passing to colleagues who do not need to know so much detail. Cyber fraud – is your law firm prepared?, by Darren Cable of Lloyds Bank, shares useful knowledge that the bank has picked up.