- Make sure everyone has the information they need (eg policies and technical information) or are legally entitled to (eg for health and safety or employment law).
- Understand your role – not just within your practice area, but with other teams. Think about when you can share opportunities or advice, and what you want from them.
- Use communication to help employees perform – by agreeing clear objectives, providing feedback and recognising achievements.
- Communicate regularly to build your relationship with individuals and teams. Take a personal interest in them, and take part in social events.
- Aim for open, honest two-way communication. Make yourself available, encourage employees to raise problems and suggestions, and listen.
- Plan communications: think about your objectives and break down your message into a small number of key points.
- Anticipate your audience’s attitude, current knowledge and level of interest. Choose a time when they are likely to be receptive.
- Give advance warning when appropriate – for example, if an employee will need to prepare; circulate an agenda before group meetings.
- Choose the right medium – for example, the phone for a quick discussion, email or memos for complex information or where you need a written record, an instant message (such as text message) for brief instructions, and information or your intranet for firm-wide information such as policies and news.
- Consider team meetings that include both lawyer and non-lawyer staff. This can help a sense of team effort and makes sure everyone is kept well informed.
- Follow up written communications, particularly if they cover complex issues; don’t assume signs and memos will be read and understood.
- Handle sensitive communications face-to-face.
- Use clear, appropriate language; be specific about action points, deadlines and responsibilities.
- Build trust: be positive, patient and polite; explain yourself, particularly when overriding an employee’s suggestion; and do what you say you will.
- Control discussions: stick to the agenda, and keep things brief.
- Confirm understanding and agreement; review outcomes to see whether communications have been effective.
- Practise communication skills: asking open-ended questions, listening and ensuring you understand; using positive body language.
"Make sure communication is two-way; ask open questions and listen to the answers. Investing time in comms in the short-term often nips misunderstandings in the bud, saving head-aches and heart-aches down the line."
Nicola Jones, director, Athena Professional
"There is nothing worse than believing you are being talked at, not to. Communication is a skill. Listen don’t broadcast, and remember non-verbal communication does have an impact and plays a significant role in getting messages across."
Anne Harnetty, managing director, Jonson Beaumont
See also: